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St. Anthony Hospital

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Colorado, USA
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24 months
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9 story - 673,000 sq. ft.
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Earl Swensson Associates
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GE Johnson Construction
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GE Johnson and Marrou Concrete
St. Anthony Hospital is a 673,000 sq. ft., 563-bed level 1 trauma facility. The previous hospital, St. Anthony Central Hospital, was located in the Colfax area of Denver. The new St. Anthony Hospital was constructed in the Denver Federal Center in Lakewood, CO. This new location better provides coverage and patient care for the west side of the metro area. Building construction began in June 2009 on the 30-acre campus, opening its doors in June 2011.
thumb st anthony hospital about 1

Project Challenges

This project had several challenges as the accelerated schedule required many crews working simultaneously. During the drilled piers construction, four drill rigs and crews performed work simultaneously. High-strength columns were utilized to support the structure and increase square footage as the structure came out of the ground. Floor decks were all poured with a high slump, low shrink concrete mix that was required to be placed with concrete pump trucks.
The line on these pump trucks extended out to 400 feet in some cases. The infrastructure and exterior concrete were all placed with Colorado Department of Transportation Class D concrete.

Project Solutions

BURNCO worked with the caisson drilling company to coordinate the four drill rig crews. We dedicated a quality control/site supervisor to this project. We coordinated trucks coming onto the site based on a color code system we devised and shared with the contractor.
Each caisson rig was fitted with a specific colored flag corresponding to a matching color on our delivery ticket. This process allowed for proper concrete utilization and decreased loss of concrete material. The lightweight mix was specifically designed for the flatwork contractor allowing for a high slump flowable mix, which pumped efficiently and finished perfectly.
We dedicated a plant to this project on placement days to supply a high placement rate. We were utilizing 40 trucks to provide concrete at a rate of 150 cubic yards per hour. Dedicating a quality control person to this project enabled us to ensure all concrete was in the specification and workable for all contractors on site.

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